Admiral character jug stoneware - England circa 1830
Bottle and Goblet Toby jug - Yorkshire circa 1830
Father Matthews toby jug stoneware - Oldfield circa 1830
Hands in Pockets Toby jug - Rockingham Staffordshire circa 1830
Ordinary Toby jug - Rockingham Staffordshire circa 1830
Ordinary Toby toby jug large stoneware - Oldfield circa 1830
Blackamoor Standing Toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830
Child teapot - Spain circa 1830
Female Snufftaker toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830
John Wesley character jug - Rockingham Staffordshire circa 1830
Ordinary Toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830
Ordinary Toby toby jug medium stoneware - Oldfield circa 1830
Blackamoor toby jug - Portobello circa 1830
Chinaman character jug - Francis Gardner circa 1830
Gentleman toby jug stoneware - Brampton Pottery circa 1830
King Charles Spaniel toby jug - Rockingham Staffordshire circa 1830
Ordinary Toby jug leather extra large - England circa 1830
Oyster Seller Man toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830
Bottle and Goblet Toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830
Cross-legged Toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830
Hands in Pockets Toby jug - Brampton Pottery circa 1830
Ordinary Toby jug - Portobello step base circa 1830
Ordinary Toby jug with Mug leather large - England circa 1830
Oyster Seller Woman toby jug - Staffordshire circa 1830