Baked Potato Vendor toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Door Mat Maker toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
King Henry VIII toby jug Prestige - Staffordshire Fine Ceramics 1980
Old Clothes Man toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Pig Angel toby jug - Fitz and Floyd 1980
Scrooge toby jug - Wood & Sons 1980
Bob Cratchit & Tiny Tim toby jug - Wood & Sons 1980
Flower Seller toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Long John Silver character jug - Byron Molds 1980
Orange Girl toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Queen Anne Boleyn toby jug - Staffordshire Fine Ceramics 1980
Shogun character jug - Shafford 1980
Chimney Sweep toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Irish character jug - Frankoma Pottery 1980
Milkmaid toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Organ Grinder toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Raccoon toby jug - Fitz and Floyd 1980
Sir Winston Churchill character jug prototype - Wood & Sons 1980
Coalman toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
John Peel toby jug Prestige - Staffordshire Fine Ceramics 1980
Mrs. Gamp toby jug - Wood & Sons 1980
Oyster Woman toby jug - Franklin Porcelain 1980
Scrooge is Shown His Own Grave pitcher - Beswick 1980
St. Nicholas character jug - Dave Grossman Designs 1980