The Angler character jug modeled by David B. Biggs and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, between 1997-2002. "Fly fishing may be very pleasant amusement: but angling or float fishing can only compare to a stick and string, with a worm at one end and a fool at the other." said Samuel Johnson. Angling, fishing with rod and line, is the most popular sport in Britain. An angler is one who fishes stream, lake or ocean as a hobby or as a profession. These particular anglers enjoy the sport as a pleasant pastime, relaxing in nature with the fresh air. If the fish stocks run out, at least half the pleasure will remain, communing with nature while sitting on a riverbank away from all personal troubles. A fishing net and reel form the handle of the jug.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
character jug
4 3/4"