Stephen Morell Mullins character jug produced by Bairstow Manor Pottery of Hanley, England, in 2012. Stephen Morell Mullins (1932-2019) was the chairman of a real estate investment firm in Evanston, IL. Founder of the American Toby Jug Museum, Mullins began collecting more than 60 years ago when a camp counselor enticed him with a Royal Doulton brochure to spend the balance of his camp candy allowance to buy six small character jugs. Today the collection numbers over 9,000 and is the largest collection of Toby and Character Jugs in the world. He is the co-author of two books: Toby & Character Jugs of the 20th Century and A Century of Royal Doulton Character & Toby Jugs released in 2008. Swimming competitively since high school, Mullins was also a national champion and world-medalist master swimmer. This character jug was modeled by Ray Noble and features Mullins wearing his Dartmouth swimwear and standing on the podium receiving his first prize as the handle.
Bairstow Manor
Model #:
character jug