Sir Richard Grenville character jug designed by Gerald Embleton and produced in Malaysia by Franklin Porcelain of London, England, in 1984 limited edition and sold on a subscription basis for the Maritime Trust. Sir Richard Grenville (1542-1591) was an English privateer and explorer. Grenville was lord of the manors of Stowe, Cornwall and Bideford, Devon. He subsequently participated in the plantations of Ireland specifically the Munster plantations, the English colonization of the Americas, and the repulse of the Spanish Armada. Grenville also served as Member of Parliament for Cornwall, High Sheriff for County Cork and Sheriff of Cornwall. In 1591, Grenville died at the battle of Flores fighting against an overwhelmingly larger Spanish fleet near the Azores. He and his crew on board the galleon Revenge fought against the 53-strong Spanish fleet to allow the other English ships to escape. The ship's broken mast and sail during his final battle form the handle of the jug.
Franklin Porcelain
Model #:
Great British Admirals Collection
character jug