Sally character jug produced in China for Zak Designs of Spokane, Washington, circa 2016. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical fantasy film. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, the King of "Halloween Town", who stumbles upon "Christmas Town" and schemes to take over the holiday. Sally, the feminine creation of local mad scientist Doctor Finkelstein, experiences a vision detailing that their efforts will end disastrously. Jack, whom she secretly loves, dismisses her warnings and instructs her to make a Santa Claus suit for him. Sally is Jack Skellington's love interest, a kind, shy, and determined rag doll who tells him that Christmas and Halloween should not mix and is the only one to have doubts about his Christmas plan.
Zak Designs
United States
circa 2016
Model #:
character jug
3 3/4"