Mrs. Loan The Librarian 3/4 body toby jug designed by William K. Harper and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, from 1984 to 1991. The Doultonville Municipal Library is located in Castle Street, overseen by Violet Loan, a rather genteel lady who stamps the dates in books and keeps a stern eye on noisy children and talkative adults. She leads a quiet spinsterly life, although at home, she is an avid reader of romantic novels with dashing heroes and dreams, dreams of - well, things that cannot be revealed here. Violet may be seen at the local School of Art where in the evenings she studies watercolor painting. Some of her work has been exhibited in the Pavilion Art Gallery near the Cathedral and admired by friends and relatives. Violet is the eldest daughter of a large family. This is one of twenty-five Doultonville toby jugs.
Royal Doulton
1984 - 1991
Model #:
The Doultonville Collection
toby jug