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Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989

Mrs. Bardell tiny character jug modeled by Robert I. Tabbenor and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, between 1982-1989. Martha Bardell is the landlady of Samuel Pickwick on Goswell Street in Charles Dickens' "The Pickwick Papers". Dickens describes her as "the relict (widow) and sole executrix of a deceased custom-house officer-a comely woman of bustling manners and agreeable appearance with a natural genius for cooking, improved by study and long practice, into an exquisite talent." Mrs. Bardell is duped by unscrupulous lawyers, Dodson and Fogg, into bringing a breach of promise to marry suit against Mr. Pickwick. When Pickwick refuses to pay damages and is consigned to the Fleet Prison, Dodson and Fogg sue Mrs. Bardell for costs and have her consigned to the Fleet as well. Pickwick eventually pays the penitent Bardell's costs to get her released. This jug was produced to commemorate the 170th anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth.


Royal Doulton



Model #:


Charles Dickens Commemorative Tiny Set

character jug




1 1/2"

Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
Mrs. Bardell character jug tiny - Royal Doulton 1982-1989
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