Micawber character jug produced by John Humphreys Pottery of Staffordshire, England, circa 1990 in a limited edition of 1,000. Wilkins Micawber is a clerk in Charles Dickens's 1850 novel David Copperfield. He is traditionally identified with the optimistic belief that "something will turn up." Micawber was incarcerated in debtors' prison (the King's Bench Prison) after failing to meet his creditors' demands. His long-suffering wife, Emma, stands by him despite his financial exigencies that force her to pawn all of her family's heirlooms. She lives by the maxims, "I will never desert Mr. Micawber!" and "Experientia does it!" Commissioned by Pick-Kwik Wines & Spirits, this Micawber character jug is an advertising piece for Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey.
John Humphreys Pottery
circa 1990
Model #:
Beam Boozer's Collection
character jug
6 1/2"