Mac character jug produced by Shorter & Son of Stoke-on-Trent, England, circa 1960. Mac has been the subject of numerous anecdotes typifying the canny, thrifty Scot as popularly conceived. In one music hall song popularized by Sir Harry Lauder he tells of a visit to London during which, before he even had time to turn around, "Bang went saxpence." This song in turn is based on a Punch cartoon of December 1868, the caption running (to a townsman supposed to be in London on business): "E-eh, Mac! Ye're sune hame again!" Mac: "E-eh, it's just a ruinous place, that! Mun, a had na' been there abune twa hoores when Bang-went Saxpence!" A brier forms the handle of this jug.
Shorter & Son
circa 1960
Model #:
character jug