Guy Fawkes character jug modeled by William K. Harper and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, between 1990-1996. Guy Fawkes (1570-1606) led a group who tried to kill King James I and blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605, to avenge the persecution of Roman Catholics in England. He was described at this time as a man "of excellent good natural parts, very resolute and universally learned," and was "sought by all the most distinguished in the Archduke's camp for nobility and virtue." Leading a group of Catholic conspirators who planned the Gunpowder Plot to assassinate King James I and destroy both Houses of Parliament, Fawkes was caught in the act in the Parliament building cellars. He and his co-conspirators were tortured and executed by hanging. This event is commemorated annually in England on Bonfire Night, a night of fireworks and celebration, and on Guy Fawkes Day each November 5. A lantern above a barrel of gunpowder forms the handle of this jug.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
character jug