Desperate Dan small character jug modeled by Simon Ward and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, between 1995-1999. Desperate Dan is one of the many colorful and classic characters from the amusing pages of "The Beano" and "The Dandy", British comics published by D. C. Thomson. From "The Dandy", the world's longest-running comic, comes Desperate Dan, a Wild West character of great strength and appetite who made his debut on December 3, 1937. Desperate Dan lives in Cactusville, the last outpost of the Wild West, where he consumes gargantuan cow pies, shaves with a blowtorch and wields a six-shooter. Dan's preference for Cactusville Cow Pie and weakness for Owl Hoot Juice, a potent drink, has led to many a bender. A cactus, cow pie and Owl Hoot Juice form the handle of the jug.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
Beano and Dandy Cartoon Series
character jug
4 1/4"