Badtz-Maru character jug produced by Bioworld of Irving, Texas, circa 2020. Badtz-Maru, a male penguin with spiky hair, is one of the many characters produced by the Japanese company Sanrio and created by Hisato Inoue in 1993. Unlike the more popular Hello Kitty, he has an attitude and is one of the few characters that is marketed to all genders. Badtz-Maru has many different facial expressions and poses, but he is classically recognized for pulling one eye down and sticking out his tongue. While he seems perpetually stuck in the first grade, he has dreams of becoming "the boss, of everything" when he grows up. "A bit selfish, he tends to make fun of things by thinking silly. This mischievous little penguin loves to fight for the wrong side. His hobby is collecting pictures of bad guys played by movie stars."
United States
circa 2020
Model #:
character jug