Athos toby jug produced by Sylvan Pottery of Hanley, England, circa 1950. Athos is a fictional character in the novels "The Three Musketeers", "Twenty Years After", and "The Vicomte de Bragelonne" by Alexandre Dumas. In "The Three Musketeers", he and the other two musketeers, Porthos and Aramis, are friends of the novel's protagonist, d'Artagnan. He has a mysterious past connecting him with the villainess of the novel, Milady de Winter. The oldest by some years, Athos is a father figure to the other musketeers. He is described as noble and handsome, a polished aristocrat of glorious ancestry, but also very secretive, drowning his secret sorrows in drink. By the end of the novel, it is revealed that he is the Comte de la Fere, who was Milady's husband before she married the Baron de Winter. The fictional Athos is named after the historical musketeer Armand de Sillogue d'Athos d'Autevielle, who came from the small Pyranees town of Athos. The feather plume from Athos' hat forms the handle of the jug.
Sylvan Pottery
circa 1950
Model #:
Three Musketeers Series
toby jug