Admiral Jellico character jug designed by Caroline Dadd and modeled by Robert I. Tabbenor, and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, in a 2007 limited edition of 100 for UK International Ceramics. Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe, (1859-1935) was a British Royal Navy officer. He fought in the Anglo-Egyptian War and the Boxer Rebellion and commanded the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland in May 1916 during the First World War. His handling of the fleet at that battle was controversial. Jellicoe made no serious mistakes and the German High Seas Fleet retreated to port, at a time when defeat would have been catastrophic for Britain, but the public was disappointed that the Royal Navy had not won a more dramatic victory given that they outnumbered the enemy. Jellicoe later served as First Sea Lord, overseeing the expansion of the Naval Staff at the Admiralty and the introduction of convoys, but was relieved at the end of 1917. The British Naval flag, an anchor, and a torpedo form the handle of the jug.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
First World War Military Leaders Series
character jug
7 3/4"