Henry Sandon stoneware toby jug produced by Peter Meanley of Bangor, Ireland, in 2009. Henry George Sandon (1928-2023) was an English antiques expert, television personality, author and lecturer who specialized in ceramics and was a notable authority on Royal Worcester porcelain. He began his career as an archaeologist and became interested in the history of ceramics after discovering Roman pots in his garden in Worcester. During the 1950s, he collected ceramic art from buildings in Worcester that were being demolished. He was appointed curator of the Dyson Perrins Museum at the Royal Worcester factory in 1966 and held that position until 1982. He was described as "the world's leading authority on Worcester porcelain." Sandon joined BBC One's "Antiques Roadshow" for its second series in 1979 and made many appearances on the program across 40 years. Sandon is holding a Royal Worcester pitcher in his hands.
Peter Meanley
Model #:
toby jug
extra large