Captain James Cook liquor container designed by Graham Tongue and Harry Sales and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, in 1985 limited edition of 2,500 for Pick-Kwik Wines & Spirits. James Cook (1728-1779), England's most famous 18th century navigator, is considered one of the world's greatest explorers. His voyages lead to the establishment of colonies throughout the Pacific by several European countries. In the "Endeavor" Cook commanded a scientific expedition to Tahiti to observe a solar eclipse by Venus (1768-71). He also had secret orders to seek a southern continent that geographers long believed kept the world in balance. In October 1769 Cook was the first European to visit New Zealand. He circumnavigated the islands then chartered part of Australia. In his second around the world voyage, he sailed around parts of Antarctica (1772-5) and discovered several Pacific Island groups. In 1778 he became the first known European to reach the Hawaiian Islands. Returning to the Hawaiian Islands, he was stabbed to death by Hawaiian natives while investigating a theft of a boat by an islander. The handle is a scroll with a seal that lists Cook's significant discoveries.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
The International Collection
liquor container
4 3/4"